In modern construction, vertical wall stampings has revolutionized the wall design technology providing the best alternative finish for walls other than paint, tile, bricks and or cultured stone.
Wall stampings offer a much wider array of choices of design and color to fit your unique individual style and taste.
The versatility of wall stampings can allow almost any desired result in a wall to be had, whether a textured finish, or a wall that looks like a pile of stone, or one that looks like rough lumber or logs.
Anyone can avail of this new technology from Decorete, the undisputed leading producer of stamping concrete materials and application works in the Mideast and North Africa.Whatever types of finish one prefers, there are a wide variety of patterns and colors to choose from for indoor or outdoor walls. Walls that need retouching due to rough imperfect finish can be perfectly done with vertical stamping method. The amount of concrete to be applied can be adjusted to smooth out the imperfections.
To create a stunning finish, things like stones, fossils, decors or glass can be fixed in the damp concrete. The composition for the concrete is no ordinary cement. It is specially developed that makes it lightweight (approximately 1/3 the weight of ordinary concrete) from a combination of special polymer and chemical additives.Another great advantage of vertical stamping compared with tiles is cost savings. Wall stamping will require less material, preparation and labor for a result that is faster and even a much better finish.
Decorete offers a wide array of patterns and designs for you to choose from for your columns, pillars, and retention walls. If you have problems with having your wall to be restored, repaired, resurfaced or architecturally accented, Decorete can offer you valuable solution with the many different patterns and designs to match the ones you want to be done. Or if you want to avail of Decorete’s vertical wall stampings application service, their highly trained applicators will be very glad to assist you.
Decorete is a total solution provider of high quality construction materials and excellent construction services. You can take advantage of the expertise of their highly trained and highly skilled applicators and support staff.
For homeowners who want to install the wall stampings themselves or perhaps have already engaged third party applicators to do the job, Decorete gives you some do-it-yourself tips on how to maximize the benefits from the use of their vertical wall stampings.
Keep in mind that vertical stamping application requires precision and technical expertise, unlike simply smoothing wet concrete on a wall with the trowel. The overlay must form a strong bond with the wall to prevent cracks to appear later on. Prior to applying the overlay, the concrete wall has to be properly scrubbed with brush and water to remove all the dirt.
Then apply the coating on the wall using the bonding agent, either the powder or the liquid form. The products to choose from are Release Powder for Stamped Concrete or the Liquid Release for Stamped Concrete. Apply it using roller brush over walls and paintbrush on edges. Next, make sure that the alignment is straight with the wall. Then apply the overlay cement-based mix designed for vertical application (Polymer Modified Concrete Topping).
This is approximately 1/3 lighter than floor overlays. For rock texture and other deep design impresses, the overlay application should be about 3 inches. Use the trowel starting from the corner section. Smooth the overlay immediately with a straight edge. Press the stamp within a few minutes after the overlay is applied. Make sure the depth is consistent by tapping the stamp with a mallet. When finished, give the stamped concrete enough time to dry (at least a week, but interior walls dry slowly). For exterior walls, prevent them from drying quickly by spraying water in order to strengthen the bond. When the wall is completely dry, seal it to fill the porous surface.
Wall Stamped Projects