Modern construction turns to artificial wall stones to give the wall an earthy warm natural appearance. Artificial wall stones, also known as patterned or imprinted concretes, are just like real stones when you look at them.
Only they are much lighter and cheaper. When you fix them to your walls you will instantly have your walls look like made of stones. Decorete, the leader in the supply of artificial wall stones and other construction materials and services in the Mideast and North Africa, makes high quality products for your construction needs.
The artificial wall stones made by Decorete have a wide variety of designs; you can have artificial stones that look like bricks, slates, tiles or even wood. And the way these artificial stones are made gives you a hard time distinguishing them from stones one could get from the natural environment. This is one of the benefits of using artificial stones on your walls.
These are also light and highly durable materials, installing them on your wall will not pose any problem. Having artificial stones on your wall insulates your wall from the environment and even fire just like having natural ones. You can enhance the appearance of your pool decks, driveways and other corners of the home or building with artificial rocks. Decorete offers a wide variety of designs, sizes and colors for you to have the least effort in choosing the ones fit for your specific needs. When it comes to maintenance, artificial stones do not require much.
Because artificial stones are way cheaper that real stones you will be having significant savings in your construction costs. You will be surprised as well at how your property increases its valuable appearance and at the same time you cut significantly on your costs. And if you want to avail of Decorete’s artificial wall stone installation works, their highly trained applicators will be very glad to assist you.
Decorete is a total solution provider of high quality construction materials and excellent construction services. You can take advantage of the expertise of their highly trained and highly skilled applicators and support staff.
For homeowners who want to install the stones on their walls themselves or perhaps have already engaged third party applicators to do the job, Decorete gives you some do-it-yourself tips on how to maximize the benefits from the use of their artificial wall stones.
The installation is simple but needs planning and proper tools. First, you will need tools such as tape measure, marker, mortar, trowel, hammer, knife, concrete fasteners, and galvanized mesh. Next, position the mesh over the concrete surface to be laid over with the artificial stone. Fasten the mesh with concrete fasteners (for wood walls, first fasten a vapor wrap on the wooden wall). Mix the mortar, then apply ½ inch coat over the mesh layer using the trowel. Let the mortar dry completely. Then ready the artificial stones, rearrange according to the order these are attached on the wall surface. Apply 1 inch mortar to the back side of the artificial stone using the trowel. Press the artificial stone against the wall until it stays fixed. Fill up the wall leaving a half-inch between each stone. Cut off rough edges. Then apply mortar in between stones to fill up spaces. Allow to dry.